The goal of Inverse Reinforcement Learning(IRL) is to infer reward function from expert demonstrations.


  1. state &action space

  2. Rool-outs from $ \pi^* $


  1. recover reward function

  2. use reward to get policy

Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning


  • trajectory : 
\[\tau = \{s_1,a_1,...,s_t,a_t,...,s_T\}\]
  • learned reward :
\[R_{\psi}(\tau) = \sum_{t} r_\psi(s_t,a_t)\]

($ \psi $ are learned parameters.)

  • expert demonstrations : 
\[\{\tau_i\}\sim \pi^*\]

MaxEnt formulation:

\[p(\tau)=\frac 1 Z \exp(R_\psi(\tau))\] \[Z = \int \exp(R_\psi(\tau))d\tau\]

To infer the reward function, we maximize the log likelihood of our set of demonstrations with respect to the parameters of our reward function.

\[\max_\psi\sum_{\tau\in \mathcal{D}}\log p_{r_\psi}(\tau)\]

Maximum Entropy IRL Optimization

\[\mathcal{L}(\psi) = \sum_{\tau\in \mathcal{D}}\log p_{r_\psi}(\tau)\] \[= \sum_{\tau\in \mathcal{D}} \log \frac 1 Z \exp(R_\psi(\tau))\] \[= \sum_{\tau\in \mathcal{D}} R_\psi(\tau) - M \log Z\] \[= \sum_{\tau\in \mathcal{D}} R_\psi(\tau) - M \log \sum_\tau \exp(R_\psi(\tau))\]

We will use gradient descent to optimize $ \mathcal{L} $

\[\nabla_\psi\mathcal{L}(\psi) = \sum_{\tau\in\mathcal{D}} \frac{\mathcal{d}R_\psi(\tau)}{\mathcal{d}\psi} - M\underbrace{\frac1{\sum_\tau\exp(R_\psi(\tau))}\sum_\tau \exp(R_\psi(\tau))\frac {\mathcal{d}R_\psi(\tau)}{\mathcal{d}\psi} }\]

The part with under brace can be written as  $ \sum_\tau p(\tau|\psi)\frac{\mathcal{d}R_\psi(\tau)}{\mathcal{d}\psi} $

Further more, the sum of trajectory is also the sum of state, thus equals  $ \sum_s p(s|\psi)\frac{\mathcal{d}R_\psi(s)}{\mathcal{d}\psi} $

So now the problem becomes calculating  $ p(s|\psi) $

let $ \mu_t(s) $ be the prob of visiting s at step t. It can be calculated using DP:

\[\mu_1(s) = p(s1 = s)\]

where $ p(s1) $ is the initial distribution.

\[\mu_{t+1}(s') = \sum_a\sum_s\mu_t(s)\Pi(a|s)p(s'|s,a)\]


\[p(s|\psi) = \frac 1 T \sum_t\mu_t(s)\]

MaxEnt IRL Algorithm

  1. Initialize $ \psi $, gather demonstrations $ \mathcal{D} $
  2. Solve for optimal policy $ \pi(a \vert s) $ w.r.t. reward $ r_\psi $
  3. Solve for state visitation frequencies $ p(s \vert \psi) $
  4. Compute gradient $ \nabla_\psi\mathcal{L} = - \frac 1 {\vert \mathcal{D} \vert} \sum_{\tau_d \in \mathcal{D}} \frac {\mathcal{d}r_\psi}{\mathcal{d}\psi}(\tau_\mathcal{d})- \sum_s p(s \vert \psi)\frac {\mathcal{d}r_\psi}{\mathcal{d}\psi}(s)$
  5. Update $ \psi $ with one gradient step using $ \nabla_\psi\mathcal{L} $
  6. goto 2


The algorithm is only suitable for low dimension state space, action space and state transaction probability is needed.